One of the cases of the day was a testy mule with an attitude who could really be an ass (pun intended!) My case was a not so well behaved Thoroughbred gelding who had a condition called Epiglottic Entrapment, which is basically where there is some extra tissue on the epiglottis making it not close properly and causing a lack of sufficient oxygen when to horse is racing. The best part of this surgery is that it was endoscopic ( a tiny camera is passed up the nose and to the epiglottis) and that the surgery was done entirely with a laser! Pretty stinking awesome, making the long hours completely worth it!!!!
Tomorrow I will be at the barn from 7 am to midnight, I am dreading the long hours but excited for the schedule of surgeries cases which will be admitted tomorrow including an ovarian cancer case, a ovariohysterctomy, and bone fragments in a knee!

hi honey - gad what a PICTURE!! ugggggg!! I know you are going to LOVE this rotation - but I'll bet you that when you are ALL done with each rotation - you won't know which one you love the most!!!! love you lots p s you will love this rotation I'll bet money on it!