Today was pretty uneventful. We admitted 2 horses for surgeries that will be done tomorrow. On has Ovarian cancer and will have the tumor removed tomorrow! On of the most interesting things about these types of tumors is their behavioral component. Every man or women has both female (estrogen) and male (testosterone) hormones being produced at a constant rate. Yet, like most of you already know, in women, estrogen is dominant and in men testosterone is dominant. The cells that produce testosterone are called theca cells and if you have a theca cell tumor (tumor cells grow at a rapid rate) you have an ovary production of these types of cells, thus an over production of the hormones they produce (testosterone). One of the most common ovarian tumor of horses is theca cell tumors, and one of the predominant clinical signs is a change in behavior, you calm friendly mare suddenly becomes bad tempered and manly (acting like a stallion). I am now suspicious of several women I know, I think they may have this disease!
Since I have to wear a uniform consisting of a green polo and khaki pants I plan to wear a pink bra and panties tomorrow in honor of breast and ovarian cancer day for this mare on my surgery rotation! Come on people, you gotta mix it up or this stuff would be way to boring!
The next surgery tomorrow with be an arthroscopic bone chip removal. So basically we will take the tiny camera used yesterday and pass it into the joint and use a small grabbing tool to retrieve a bone chip that was left over from a previous fracture.
Other than that I am in desperate need of coffee or tea as I will be here until midnight tonight and can barely keep my eyes open already and I still have 2 more hours. Tomorrow is going to come early and I am trying to be useful of my time and study for board exams but as the night lingers on my eyes cannot seem to focus on the important things in life like studying for extremely important test!