Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 82- I'mmmmm Baaacccckkkk........

     Hello Ya'll! So glad to be back on my blog after my study hiatus! I wish I could give you all great news that the test went great, but unfortunately I found it very challenging and I am pretty sure that I may not have passed! But, it won't be the first time in my life that I failed at something because as I have learned from many failed chemistry classes and counselors telling me I would never get into vet school....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE if you have DETERMINATION. So failing to me, although sad, hurtful and hard to over come is just a bump in the road to SUCCESS. I will find out my test scores in about a month and if I have to take the test again than I will just have to take the test again. Now I am not however promising that I won't cry my eyes out for at least a day and a half, I am tough but not that damn tough!
     Yesterday, I packed up and headed north! This week starts my 9 week stint of externships. This is where we wonder out into the unknown, (outside the OSU Teaching Hospital) to get real world experience. My first externship is with a feedlot veterinary consultant in Oakley, Kansas! Oakley is named after the famed, Annie Oakley! This vet services feedlots across the tri-state area in Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas. Today he showed me how to use a program that records the lung sounds as you listen to the lungs of cattle with respiratory disease with your stethescope, and the computer generates a score based on the harshness of the lung sounds. This score predicts how sick the cow is and how likely the cow is to recover from the disease, pretty freaking awesome, and he invented it!!!! I am with greatness people! Other than that it was a whole lot of driving, 2 hours just to get to this feedlot and even farther tomorrow and a whole bunch of cows and corn!

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