This is my last week on Equine Medicine and as always I am sad to see this rotation come to an end. I have grown very fond of my rotation mates as well as the residents and clinicians. This week was slow but I did get to do my first equine dental or in the horse world a "floating" this week. A horse chews in a circular motion and the way the teeth and jaw are shaped this chewing motion creates points in their teeth. When the points get big it prevents them from making the circular grinding motion and they start dropping their feed and eventually loose weight. To fix this condition their teeth must be floated! This is where we grind down the points on the teeth so the rows of teeth are all level making a good environment for the grinding motions.

hi honey - I've really missed your blog - but I knew that every spare minute was spent in studying for your exam. Just remember that you can take it again if necessary - but go in that room with confidense that you have had in ALL of your exams - you have studied and had hands on sooo just give your usual 110% you usually do and stop being so afraid - fear is an enemy and you don't need that. By the way I was glad that I wasn't the horse - hate to have my teeth cleaned - sooo felt real sorry for him - big grinder huh??? love you lots nana
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks. pet carriers and crates