After our milk fever case we went to other farm to see a sick cow. There we also saw a few prematurely born calves one of which was the cutest freaking thing I have ever seen, born 2 months early and barely weighed 20 lbs.

We made our way back to the clinic and were met with a string of trucks with trailers full of cows waiting to be seen! These included a vaginal prolapse....
A left displaced abomasum (the cow's true and forth stomach compartment which twist around and gets out of place blocking her digestive tract) in which we did a procedure called roll and toggle. This is when you lay the cow down on her back and listen the the stomach with a stethoscope while thumping her abdomen to locate the abomasum by the sound/pitch difference and then jab it with a needle and tack it to the skin when it's in it's proper location.

And many many more cases...but I can barely keep my eyes open or my left hand typing so more tomorrow.....
Hi honey - your arm is really getting a work out - hope that the next week you are able to rest it more. Those pics of the calves are cute makes you want to adopt them and take them home - one day maybe you can. Have a good weekend and rest that arm. Love you lots nana