Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 53- Point Taken

     So last night after I wrote my blog, somewhat "comp"plaining (pun intended) about my emergency call in's and lack of sleep, I was more than excited to snuggle up with my hubby to watch a movie and relax, and that was when the phone rang! Note to self, if you complain about getting called in for emergency the phone will ring about 10 o'clock to call you in for an emergency! Luckily it was a very rewarding emergency! A little mini horse came in barely able to breathe and obviously choking lead by her owners who were greatly shaken by the event! We got the little girl sedated and cleared her choke within minutes and she was back to normal and breathing well within 15 minutes of arrival. What a rewarding experience! complaining

1 comment:

  1. hi honey - that was something - sounds like an asmtha attack - do horses have asmtha?? Hope it was nothing real serious - but that "complaining" is teaching tooooo! Love you lots - nana
